What's New

Charming Ways to Style a Clawfoot Tub

After months of prepping and planning for your bathroom remodel, you’re now the owner of a sophisticated, high quality clawfoot tub. But there’s just one...

Bathroom Fixtures: What Customers Look For

Every homeowner has his or her own unique vision when remodeling a bathroom. And when they come to the showroom floor in search of fixtures,...

Space-Savvy Tips for Small Bathroom Remodels

If you have a tiny bathroom in your house, you’re no stranger to clutter, bad lighting and hard-to-clean nooks and crannies. Small bathrooms can be...

Cast Iron Bathtubs: Benefits and Tips for Buyers

Humans have been enjoying the benefits of cast iron for hundreds of years. From pans that keep our food flavorful to stoves that stay warm...

Tiny Homes: Understand the Market and Owners’ Needs

Tiny houses were once reserved for eco-friendly hippies and off-the-grid mountain men. But thanks to shows like Tiny House Hunters and Tiny House Nation (plus...

Sales Floor Tech: Virtual Reality Showrooms

Augmented and virtual reality allow manufacturers and showroom managers to tap into people’s love of technology in an exciting, innovative way. With a proven ability...